1 February 2012

1st February 2012

Today is the first of February and I have failed in my mission.

I wanted my website to be up and running before the end of January and as you can see it isn't. This is partly due to forces outside of my control (like spaceships and aliens), and partly due to long hours at my normal job and a few trips away.
I am still working on it though and it will be live sometime in the not too distant future, until then if you see something you like and would like to place an order please do contact me either by leaving a comment on my blog or by emailing me at jamdalory@hotmail.co.uk


  1. Sometimes we set ourselves goals and forget that life sometimes gets in the way.
    Don't be hard on yourself and don't think of it as a failure but more of an adjustment. I'm sure things will be ok in the end, as long as those pesky aliens don't kidnap you.

    Jan x


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